Saturday, March 23, 2013

John Greene! Dying Declarations

The vlogbrothers, Hank and John Green, have a quirky, nerdy style that people either love or hate. I love. They vlog about everything from honey beavers to Fahrenheit 451 to dying declarations. For some reason that I can't put my finger on, I prefer John. Below is one of his vlog entries. The subject is dying declarations of famous people. Take a look.


Come on! How can that not make you smile? A light-hearted, enthusiastic look at what is usually a very serious subject - that is what the vlogbrothers are all about. They educate about many things without being condescending and make us smile and laugh as they do so.  

So tell me, did you know the vlogbrothers before reading this post? Do you love them or hate them? And what about this topic - dying declarations. I think this book that John bought sounds fascinating, do you? Got any favorites you'd like to share? I always love hearing what you think!


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