Monday, March 25, 2013

Writing Prompt - "Lost and Alone"

Lost and alone - that's how she felt despite the fact that she was surrounded by people. She took the customer's money, gave them their coffee, took the next customer's order, and so on. Auto-pilot. Forcing a smile. 

"Keep it or not? Marriage - absolutely not. Let mom and dad send me away for nine months? Joy. I'm an embarassment. Carry it for 9 months, then give it to a stranger? Spend the rest of my life wondering where it is and what it's doing? Get rid of it and feel guilty the rest of my life?"

"I agree we're not ready for marriage. I hate your parents for making you feel like an embarassment. I'm not crazy about any of the options honestly", Phillip had said.

"Thanks for the help", she had said and stormed off.

Any of the above would hurt someone. In the end it was her body, her choice, her that had to deal with the consequences of her decision every day for the rest of her life. Yes, she was very much lost and alone.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this or any other writing prompt I post. Tell me what you think of the content or any technical aspects. If you had to sit down right now and write about the words "lost and alone", what would you write about?

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